Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Thursday?!

Whoa! How is it Thursday already?! Well the week hasn't been too eventful. Tuesday I just had classes and got homework done. Yesterday was about the same. I walked to the video store last night with Jackie and Leah and returned the movies we rented. I might go rent another one for this evening/tonight. Today I had class then I finally got to Skype into my meeting that I miss every week back home. I am the entertainment coordinator for the State-A-Thon at SDSU and they have meetings every week to plan and prepare. Unfortunately I have to miss them for class but class was cancelled I skyped in! Also, they are doing this huuuuge raffle to help raise money for the kids. They are raffling a package deal of a signed Viking football, 3 player shirts, 1 night at a Marriott hotel in Minneapolis, a cooler, and tickets to the Vikings vs. Bills game on December 5. If anyone is interested the raffle tickets are $200 but there is a 25o ticket cap so there is a good chance of winning! Plus, it's FTK (for the kids)! Let me know if you are interested for such a great cause!

This afternoon I am going to get some more work done, go work out, and then hopefully just relax. The weekend is almost upon us! :D

Have a great Thursday!

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