Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday Night

Last night (Thursday) A bunch of us went down to a bar in Tumon called Livehouse. A couple of our friends from the island had a friend in the band playing so we went to see them. We had such a blast!! Everyone there was so chill and just having a great time. The band was fantastic too! They played an elvis/rock mix. It was awesome! What a wonderful way to spend our Thursday night. Now I just have to stay awake for my one and only class at 10 am. Why am I awake right now?!

Tomorrow we are going to a beach somewhere. Apparently there's going to be a ton of people there so I'm pretty stoked. As for tonight, I'm not sure yet. Our friend Aiyla is only on island for the weekend before she heads back to Tinian so we might have to party with her tonight or Saturday night.


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