Monday, September 20, 2010

Tik Tok

Last night we went to supper with Keith, Cathy, Tommy and Ken at Caliente. It was super delicious again! Yummy!! Then we came back to the science building and played some card games. We ended up going back to the dorms and working on some homework. I all of a sudden started losing some vision and had a crazy terrible head ache and thought I was going to puke. Not fun. So I went to bed and got some sleep. I woke up feeling mucho better this morning! Went to class and am now done for the day! :) I think I am going to work on some more stuff, and relaxxxxxxxxx :)))

I hope everyone is having an excellent night/weekend!

Much love :))

1 comment:

  1. booooooooooo on the headache :( I'm glad you kicked it and feel better!!!
